How To Create A Weight Loss Plan That Will Make Your Diet A Success!

Last Updated on November 11, 2020 by Martin

Are you about to get started on a weight loss diet because you want to lose weight?

Perhaps you have made a promise to a loved one, or made one of these New Years resolutions, that you want to lose weight?

how to make a weight loss plan that will make your diet a success

For sure you can do what most people do, just jump straight on a diet. They do their groceries on a Sunday for then to get started the following Monday. In the evening the same day, they go to the gym for the very first time, exercising, without having a plan.

For some people, it is an approach that will work. But for most people, this approach and the promised New Year resolutions will be all forgotten when we reach February.

So why is this? It should only be a good thing to get started going on a diet right?

The truth is that everyone who weights too much will get a lot of joy and benefits from going on a diet. It is something everyone should and can do.

But if you want to make your weight loss diet success, and really lose weight in form of body fat, and not fluids or muscles? I highly recommend you to create a weight loss plan and stick to it!

Knowing what you are doing along the way will make it easier to stay on track with your diet.

What Should A Weight Loss Plan Look Like?

What I believe is the best weight loss plan to make, is one where you make a contract with yourself. Write it all down on a piece of paper and give a copy of it to a loved one.

The form of the weight loss plan, contract and how it should look is up to you as long as it contains some of the points I will give to you in the following.

What Your Weight Loss Plan Should Contain

  • A Setup of goal and milestones
  • Make sure to set realistic goals
  • Point out that you don’t starve yourself
  • Your diet plan should include the “Circle”
  • Keep a Diary in your weight loss plan
  • Use tracking apps
  • Have an end date
  • A new plan for what happens after your diet

The above are ideas what I believe will be good to include in your weight loss plan. Feel free to add more to your own contract. Most important is that you stick to them when you are on your diet.

Set a Goal And Milestones

weight loss goal and milestones

The most important thing your fitness weight loss plan must have is an overall goal. How many pounds do you want to lose? What is your goal overall?

For many, it sounds like so much, almost impossible to achieve, if you say that you want to lose 50lbs in 6 months.

To make it more chewable and easier to work with, you can set up milestones with a weekly goal of losing 2lbs. It is a number and a time frame that a much easier to deal with and handle.

It is much easier to make changes to your diet and to see if it works when you compare the results to your weekly milestones than to your overall goal.

Set An End Date

A lot of people going on a diet do not plan for how long they want to be on a diet. They just stick to a couple of numbers like saying 30lbs in two months. They really do not have a date where they have to reach their goals.

Have A Deadline

Instead, set up your weight loss diet like a challenge with a deadline. Like, on top of your weight loss plan as the overall goal you write. My goal is to lose 50lbs by June 30.

That way you know that by this date you have to finish, and you and your subconscious will do everything to reach that goal.

Make Sure To Set Realistic Goals

Remember last time you heard someone or yourself saying “I want to lose 30lbs in a month” or “I want to drop 3 sizes in just three weeks”?

I am not trying to destroy your motivation by saying this, but these are unrealistic goals!

You might be able to pull it off, but it is going to become a nightmare trying to maintain your weight afterward.

When you have finished your diet, you should be able to start having some of your favorite calorie-rich foods, and not live on diet foods for the rest of your life. To be able to do that, it is important that you set realistic goals for your diet.

So instead of trying to shred of 30lbs in a month, stick to a steady-going weight loss of between 1 and 2 pounds weekly.

Having these smaller milestones weekly that will lead to your bigger goal will make it a lot easier to lose the amount of weight you want to lose.

It will take longer to lose weight, but your diet will become a lot easier. You will not end up turning your life upside down crash dieting.

Don’t Starve Yourself

Dont Starve yourself

Speaking of wanting to lose 30lbs in a month? The approach to do so, many dieters are using is simply just to start systematic starvation of themselves!

They try to skip their breakfast or another meal everything they got the chance. And the other meals, will often not give you the nutrients that are needed for your body to function correctly.

On top of that, later during this process, you will end up compensating for the calories you didn’t get earlier like falling into extreme eating before bedtime or checking up on your refrigerator during night time.

So you might save yourself from 500 calories not having breakfast, but you will end up having 1000 calories more during the day, often not being aware of it.

For sure starvation diets can give you a rapid weight loss. But often most of it is in the form of muscles and water, that is way easier to burn off than the body you want to get rid.

In your weight loss diet plan, make sure to point out that it is not a starvation diet you are on. Make sure to write down in your plan that you will never go hungry to bed.

It is important to make this clear to yourself. What often happens if people feel they are not seeing any results, they start looking for alternative ways to lose weight. Methods that was not a part of their weight loss diet plan to start with.

You Diet Plan Should Include The “Circle”

The Circle is the perfect balance of diet, exercising, and the use of weight loss supplements like PhenQ.

The Circle is a balance, that must fit into your life, your schedule and your beliefs speaking of weight loss. It means it is adapted to the individual instead of just being overall guidelines. The full circle is 100% of your weight loss efforts.

You can then decide how much you want to spend on each part of your diet, workout and using supplements. But make sure, that your diet and exercise combined will take up at least 75% of your efforts.

When creating your weight loss circle, it is essential that you take a closer look at how much time you have available for each part of your diet.

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If You Are Working A Lot

Let’s say you want to lose weight and you are working 80 hours every week. It means there is a lesser chance that you are going to work out 5 or 6 times weekly for two hours or so unless you have a very strict discipline with yourself.

Here you are better off being realistic for them to create a fitness routine where you are going to the gym three times weekly, for an hour or so. The rest of your efforts you put into your diet and perhaps a supplement.

Here your circle can look like this; 60% diet, 30% fitness, and then 10% supplements.

If You Want To Live The Fitness Lifestyle

Let’s say you want to be a part of the fitness lifestyle and your weight loss diet is the first step towards your goals. Then you can create your fitness circle in such a way that you will spend more time in the gym combining it with a good healthy diet.

Here you will likely put less attention on supplements unless you want to use a supplement like PhenQ to increase your levels of energy.

Here your fitness circle can look like this; 45% diet, 50% fitness, and then 5% supplements.

The Purpose Of The Circle

The overall purpose of the circle is to be able to set realistic goals that you can maintain. Way too often people fail their diets because their goal setting was way off compared to what they could manage to do on their diet.

Keep A Diary in Your Weight Loss Plan

Keeping a weight loss journal

Diaries within your weight loss plan are a great way to keep track of everything from journaling precisely what you are eating to how you feel being on a diet. I recommend you to use your diet the way that fits your needs the best. However, it is a good idea to keep track of what you are eating during the week.

What is difficult for many, but highly recommended is also write down when you have your weak spots, having bad foods.

A diary can help you to link the connection between emotions and why they cause you to over-eat.

Use A Tracking Apps

Many smartphones today come with some sort of fitness tracking app and they are actually OK to use. Here you can track how much you are walking daily. You can also track the hours you spent working out, your heart rate and levels of stress.

If your fitness app doesn’t give you access to a food database, you can install MyFitnessPal. It comes with an extensive food database, where users can add their own meals and what they contain.

Create A New Plan For What Happens After Your Diet

Now that you have reached your weight loss goals, then what? Often people gradually start to fall back into old eating habits and begin progressively gaining weight again. Then, one year from now it all begins again.

Others, especially the ones who wanted to lose 30lbs in one month, they often end up struggling so hard to maintain their weight. It is impossible because at that point their metabolism will be slow that almost a cucumber will cause a weight gain.

It is an endless battle that sometimes will lead to an unhealthy relationship to food.

So instead of falling back into old habits, think about creating a second plan that will make sure you stay on track eating relatively healthy.

The best you can do is not only to focus on losing weight during your diet but also start to work on creating healthy eating habits. That way it will become a lot easier to maintain your weight afterward.

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Also, Check Out These Articles

Earlier we mentioned Phen Q a weight loss supplement that you can use with your diet. You can learn a lot more about the benefits this fat burner will give you in our PhenQ review.

If you are on the lookout for how to optimize your keto diet, you can consider using a keto diet free trial to get your some better and faster results. It is exogenous ketones that will deliver many of the ketones you will need to get your body into ketosis.

Finally, check out Green Coffee Plus if you are looking for a supplement to improve your fat burn without putting too much effort into it.

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