5 Easy Fix Solutions to Make Sure You Keep Losing Weight

Last Updated on June 7, 2021 by Martin

How to Avoid a Weight Loss Plateau

Are you starting to freak out because your weight loss has stalled? Perhaps you are not losing the same amount of weight as in the beginning, or not happy with your results!

Unfortunately, weight loss plateaus are a normal part of weight-loss diets and can be difficult to avoid sometimes. In this article, we will take a closer look at 5 easy fix solutions you can use to overcome and prevent a weight loss plateau.

Reading this article will make you better capable of overcome weight loss plateaus. And if you are just starting and want to avoid them, here is how.

1. Learn the Difference Between Fat Loss and Weight Loss

In general, there are two diverse ways people are losing weight. Many people do not lose weight in the first 4-8 weeks of their diet. After that, they reach a turning point where they experience a significant drop in their weight. Other people lose weight in the first couple of weeks to hit a weight loss plateau, where the weight loss flattens out. It is the category you are in.

Here it is important to see the difference between fat loss and weight loss.

I am sorry to say this, but if you lose a lot of weight at the beginning of your diet, it is likely more fluids than body fat. And, if you are draining your body from vital nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins, you are losing a lot of muscle mass as well.

So if you are losing 10 pounds in the first two weeks, 8 of them are likely to be fluids and muscle mass.

So after the first couple of weeks, when you are not losing any more fluids or muscles, it may feel like you hit a weight loss plateau because you are only losing one or two pounds per week. But your weight loss diet is still going forward.

2. Preserve Your Muscles

Think about your muscles as one of the best weight loss tools you have in your hands. Losing as little as 4 to 5 pounds of pure muscles can make it much harder to lose weight because you will be burning fewer calories.

It is the reason crash diets are not the right approach for weight loss. You are better off eating healthier and losing less weight every week. It will also make it easier to avoid any weight loss plateaus.

3. Do a Carbohydrate Boost Once or Twice a Week

Low-calorie dieting slows down your metabolism, so you are burning fewer calories daily. It also forces your body to economize with the nutrients you are feeding your body, and the result of this is your weight loss is going to stall.

One solution is to increase your carbohydrate intake for an entire day, once or even twice a week for a period. Your body will see it as unexpected and will increase your metabolism.

The tricky part of this solution is to return to your diet the next day and avoid you start to comfort eat.

4. Keep Updating Your Calorie Requirements

Let’s say your daily calorie needs are 2200 calories at the beginning of your diet. After three months and losing twenty pounds, you reach a weight loss plateau. Still eating 2200 calories per day initially, which is the reason for not losing more weight.

In this case, you can either lower your calorie intake further or increase your activity levels to burn more calories.

At this point, after a couple of months, cutting away 200-300 extra calories can be a hard task to do. Instead, you can consider using a supplement like PhenQ to lower your calorie intake further. It is done by increasing your metabolism and your body’s ability to burn fat.

Do keep in mind it may take a couple of weeks before you see the effects of the change.

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5. Start Exercising or Mix Up Your Workout Routine

When your weekly weight loss becomes ineffective, a simple solution is increasing your activity levels and starting exercising. If you are doing so already, then it is clever to mix things up a little with changes to your workout routine.

People who are doing a lot of walking can start power walking, jogging, or interval training. Going to the gym, you can start doing some circuit training, where you, instead of performing one exercise at the time, do multiple, performing one set on each for then quickly moving on to the next one.

If you are jogging already, you can switch to walking or interval training. If you are doing circuit training already, you can switch and finish one exercise at a time. Doing unexpected will confuse your body and force it to burn more calories.


Never give up on your diet, saying it is impossible to lose more weight just because you have reached a weight loss plateau. Use the above tweaks to overcome it and keep realistic expectations on how much weight you want to lose every week.

Also, check out our article 5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight and What To Do About It and get even more tips on avoiding a weight loss plateau.

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