Yerba Mate For Weight Loss! Does It Work?

Last Updated on July 9, 2020 by Martin

Yerba Mate weight loss

Yerba Mate for weight loss! Can it help you lose weight, getting rid of that stubborn body fat you are trying to lose?

Or is yerba mate, just another exotic herbs that don’t give you any weight loss benefits at all?

In this article, we are going to take a closer look at yerba mate and the benefits they say it will give.

We are going to take a trip to the South American jungle where yerba is coming from.

What Is Yerba Mate?

Yerba mate comes from the leaves of Ilex paraguariensis. It is a holly found a tree that grows in the South American rainforest.

Yerba mate is a very rich nutrient that comes with 24 different vitamins and minerals. It has been said to contain all necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain life and health.

On top of that, it also contains 15 amino acids, where 7 of them are essentials. Yerba mate also contains polyphenols, a strong group of antioxidants that may reduce the risk of getting various diseases.

Saponins, xanthines, and caffeoyl derivatives are other healthy ingredients in yerba mate that gives you more robust antioxidant capabilities than green tea.

How Is Yerba Mate Normally Served?

Yerba mate can either be served cold or hot and is made in similar ways to regular teas where the content is loose and not served in a teabag.

If you decide to drink it hot, it can replace coffee. You may even give you the same kick of energy you typically enjoy from having a cup of coffee in the morning.

The traditional Argentinian way to serving yerba mate is in a gourd or calabash. It is a sort of container from where you sip the content using a straw.

When preparing your yerba mate, you fill the bottom with the dry content and pour hot water on top of it.

If you do now own a calabash, you can use a Bodum French Press.

When you prefer to drink your yerba mate cold, you just put it in the fridge when it has cooled off.

You can make it more delicious using lemon juice or even milk if you prefer.

The Benefits You May Get From Drinking Yerba Mate

There are quite a few benefits to get from drinking yerba mate consistently. Benefits that go beyond losing weight.

  • A good source of antioxidants
  • Raise your energy levels
  • Improve your athletic endurance and performance
  • Protect you against infections
  • Boost your immune system
  • Lower blood sugar levels
  • Decrease your risks of heart disease
  • Help you lose weight and get rid of belly fat

Does Yerba Mate For Weight Loss Work?

Does Yerba Mate Work?

There is no doubt that yerba mate does carry a lot of benefits when it comes to promoting overall health.

It is also a potent health agent and antioxidant that can remove free radicals and toxins from your body and give the benefits we listed before.

However, according to WebMD, there is insufficient evidence that yerba mate works and will give you the benefits we mentioned before, such as weight loss.

Even if yerba mate for weight loss does work, it will require a lot of tea or some diet of diet to get the desired results. It is unlikely that the compounds in yerba mate alone can make lose weight.

If you want to use yerba mate to help you lose weight effectively, you should consider using the so-called YGD combination.

Yerba Mate For Weight Loss And The YGD Combination

If you want to use yerba mate to help you lose weight, then using the YGD combination is your best bet on using yerba mate to promote a significant weight loss. It is far better than just drinking the tea, and it comes with clinical trials to support the claims.

YGD stands for yerba mate, guarana, and damiana. According to a scientific study done at the University of Copenhagen in 2001, the YGD combination has shown to give significant benefits when you want to lose weight.

According to one study, 19 participants, obese men, and women were able to achieve a substantial weight loss in just 45 days. It was made by only using yerba mate, guarana, and damiana, and with no changes in their diet.

The combination of yerba mate, guarana, and damiana was able to speed up gastric emptying between 15 and 58%!

At the same time, it helped the participants to lose body fat by giving them a sensation of feeling full and satisfied faster after having a meal.

Said with other words, yerba mate together with guarana and damiana carries appetite suppressing benefits that can help dieters to lose weight. In some cases, even when they are not on any specific weight loss diet.

Yerba Mate For Weight Loss? Consider Zotrim!

You, too, can lose weight, also using the combination of yerba mate, guarana, and damiana. Zotrim is the only fat burner on the market that gives you the YGD combination that can suppress your appetite so you can achieve a significant weight loss.

The makers of Zotrim improved the formula with some extra ingredients and patented it. It means that Zotrim also will help to raise your metabolism and levels of energy.

We have earlier reviewed this appetite suppressant at, and here is our full Zotrim review if you want to learn more about how it can help you lose weight.

If you want to get started using yerba mate and Zotrim to help you lose weight? Then check out the link below. It will take you straight to their official website.

>> Click Here To Learn More About Zotrim <<

Yerba Mate Zotrim

Before You Leave, Also See These Great Fat Burners

If yerba mate for weight loss is not an approach you want to use? I highly recommend you check out some of our supplement reviews!

First, our top recommendation! The PhenQ fat burner. It is a 5 in 1 weight loss supplement that can help you solve most of your weight loss.

If you want to learn more About the keto diet and how to use exogenous ketones, then our Keto Fit Pro review is for you. The keto diet delivers a different approach to losing weight, and it might be something for you if you are sick and tired of the low-calorie diet.

Finally, if you just want inspiration, then check out our best fat burners for women review.


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